pot seeds (potseeds)
BC Diesel is the result of crossing two of the most famous strains in the world: Jack Herer and New York City Diesel. It is a mostly sativa for indoor growing that is not difficult to grow. However, one should plan the height well, because it has a big stretch. BC Diesel is a very special cannabis strain that smells of sour lemons with grapefruits, a perfect marriage of two legendary strains!
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  • 4 zhlédnutí

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  • {POPISEK reklamního článku, také dlouhý přes dva a možná dokonce až tři řádky, končící na tři tečky...}

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BC Diesel is the result of crossing two of the most famous strains in the world: Jack Herer and New York City Diesel. It is a mostly sativa for indoor growing that is not difficult to grow. However, one should plan the height well, because it has a big stretch. BC Diesel is a very special cannabis strain that smells of sour lemons with grapefruits, a perfect marriage of two legendary strains!

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